Mrs. Huang Rong, Zhu Xuan and Jiang Huilin were invited to attend the 13th 3th Wu-Yue Buddhist Acade

Add time:2015-12-16 Source: Browse the number:3645



Oct. 17 to 18, 2015
Mrs. Huang Rong, Zhu Xuan and Jiang Huilin were invited to attend the 13th 3th Wu-Yue Buddhist Academic Research Conference and the 15th Indian Literature Studies with articles General Introduction of the Ordinances of Manu at Present, Tan Yunshan’s Buddhist Thinkings and A Chronicle of Mr. Ji Xianlin’s Academic Activities. The meeting was hosted by the Religion Research Association of  Hangzhou city and co-hosted by Center of Indian Studies of Shenzhen University and Sanskrit Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 







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